Inner Connections

The Heart of the Program

In this program you will get in touch with every facet of yourself that goes into making the final decision about your new work. You will examine your outlook and feelings toward work, earning power and the way you want to work in the future.  You will also expand your ideas of what meaningful and fulfilling work looks like now. Putting together all the pieces of information generated from the six-step process will result in attaining your desired outcome.  Here’s a preview of the six steps:

Step 1: Checking In at the Door to acknowledge what could hold you back and what will move you forward in getting the work you want to do.
Step 2: Tracking the Trajectory of Your Work that offers additional information about your value and the many possibilities of your future work.
Step 3: Excavating Possibilities to bring up very plausible options.
Step 4: Branding Yourself to stand out and get noticed
Step 5. Planning Connections that will spark interest in you and keep you on your path.
Step 6: Developing A Plan that supports your next decision point.

Heart of the Program

The Tools

The Putting It Together workbook is your guide to finding and putting together the pieces that will draw you closer to landing on the work you want to take on. The workbook presents a collection of exercises that provides structure in working the six-step process. Additionally, there are awareness-building tools, tools for getting in touch with your natural strengths, your work history that tells a story, and a vision for your new work. All these exercises and tool are designed to help you to:

  • Activate creative thought
  • Stay inspired and engaged in the process
  • Make decisions about future work that you feel good about
  • Brand yourself
  • Stay in action

How The Workshop Works

The workshop is experienced in a community environment over four consecutive sessions.  Participants leverage each other’s insights, ideas, and feedback to expand their thinking and enjoy the moral support to stay charged.

Participants work individually on weekly assignments and then together as a group around their insights, questions, and breakthroughs.  Prior to the program, participants meet with Paula Moscinski, workshop facilitator for a 30-minute individual coaching session to gain clarity on their desired outcome.

A one-hour completion session is conducted one month after the workshop series.

Contact Paula Moscinski at 847.508.6702 to register and receive payment details. The program fee is $297


“The Putting It Together Workshop combines the best of the tools that engage your conscious and subconscious minds to get a full understanding of what you most want in your work. After attending other workshops, conducting many assessments and engaging in this work for many years, I was amazed at the insights and revelations that this process yielded for me! Now that I have done this process, I am clear on my next steps and have new ideas to pursue. So energized to move ahead thanks to this excellent program!”
Kate C.
"I’ve never taken a program like this before, but took a chance and it paid off. For the past 15 years I’ve had story for a book living in my mind and through my experience in “Putting It Together”, I realized how important writing this book is to me.  I have my sights on getting it published.”
Leila S
“Paula has the rare skill of being able to help one identify and capitalize on their unique and inherent strengths and to stretch those she coaches with her natural curiosity and thoughtful approach.  She is responsible for helping me identify my gifts and use them to pivot successfully into the next chapter in my life.  I can’t wait to see what happens next!  Thank you Paula!”
Elizabeth Kyrstyn
Business Executive Founding Partner, BKS- Partners
“Paula has helped me discover and pursue my true professional passion and find huge success and balance in this chapter of my life. I couldn’t have done it without her!”
Beth Sussman
HR Executive, Business Consultant and Entrepreneur
“Before the program, I was uncertain if, at my age, I had any value at all in the marketplace. I left after the first session excited about the prospect of beginning again. By the last session I had no self-doubt whatsoever. I’m excited to show the world what I had to offer.  The program was like a sieve through which all negative notions are drained and solids are all that remain. I am so grateful to Paula for helping me put it all together.”
Shelly M.
How the Program Works
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