Career Coaching.

Inner Connections

Career Coaching

The “Putting It Together” career coaching services accommodates individuals who work best one-on-one with a coach. The coaching services are offered to meet one or more of the following career transition situations:

  • You have a general idea of what you want your future work to be and are open to additional possibilities; and
  • You know what your future work looks like, and you need resources, and creative as well as practical ideas to find or shape it.

Every coaching session centers on three key areas: 1) your strengths, obstacles, and values, 2) the value and contribution you and your work bring to others; and 3) putting together the pieces of your past, present, and future work.

The Results

Present a resume that sets yours apart from others that highlights the value of your contributions to the organization and co-workers and what you stand for in your work. Come to each interview feeling confident in your style and responses to the interview questions. Know how to engage your interviewer and illustrate your value clearly and succinctly.  Leave each interview knowing you did your best.

These and many more benefits from your coaching come from the work you do you with career transitions coach, Paula Moscinski.

The Services

You design your unique coaching agenda from a combination of the following services:

  • exploring work options and possibilities using assessments and questionnaires for your desired work,
  • establishing a foundation of your personal attributes, qualities, and skills to match your work,
  • resume writing assistance,
  • practice interviews with feedback on your style, presence and communication skills, and
  • Linked-In profile review, recommendations, composing and/or editing.

The $150 coaching fee includes a one-hour coaching session and additional research and/or writing provided by Paula.  The number of coaching sessions is determined by the client.  The typical range for one-on-one coaching is between three and six sessions.

Contact Paula Moscinski at or call 847.508.6702 for your free consultation and individual coaching sessions. 

“The Putting It Together Workshop combines the best of the tools that engage your conscious and subconscious minds to get a full understanding of what you most want in your work. After attending other workshops, conducting many assessments and engaging in this work for many years, I was amazed at the insights and revelations that this process yielded for me! Now that I have done this process, I am clear on my next steps and have new ideas to pursue. So energized to move ahead thanks to this excellent program!”
Kate C.
"I’ve never taken a program like this before, but took a chance and it paid off. For the past 15 years I’ve had story for a book living in my mind and through my experience in “Putting It Together”, I realized how important writing this book is to me.  I have my sights on getting it published.”
Leila S
“Paula has the rare skill of being able to help one identify and capitalize on their unique and inherent strengths and to stretch those she coaches with her natural curiosity and thoughtful approach.  She is responsible for helping me identify my gifts and use them to pivot successfully into the next chapter in my life.  I can’t wait to see what happens next!  Thank you Paula!”
Elizabeth Kyrstyn
Business Executive Founding Partner, BKS- Partners
“Paula has helped me discover and pursue my true professional passion and find huge success and balance in this chapter of my life. I couldn’t have done it without her!”
Beth Sussman
HR Executive, Business Consultant and Entrepreneur
“Before the program, I was uncertain if, at my age, I had any value at all in the marketplace. I left after the first session excited about the prospect of beginning again. By the last session I had no self-doubt whatsoever. I’m excited to show the world what I had to offer.  The program was like a sieve through which all negative notions are drained and solids are all that remain. I am so grateful to Paula for helping me put it all together.”
Shelly M.
The Tools
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